
Programs – Focusing Attention on Your Inner Work

Join Dr. Tanya English in our programs to transform yourself. Experience learning, healing, practicing, and sharing to unleash your powerful gifts.

Maybe you know there’s more to life than you can see. Maybe you know you have gifts you haven’t used yet. Maybe you know that you have a purpose you have not yet uncovered. Or maybe you need to let go of old baggage that is weighing you down. All of this can be true. And it can be so simple to safely let your light shine. 


What Our Clients Say

“Dr. Tanya English is truly a master healer. I have worked with her on and off as different things come up for me. I recently gifted myself with her VIP 1/2 day healing session and as usual it was powerful. I’ve had childhood trauma recently surfaced that causes me to shut down, not speak up, feel like a fraud and imposter, among other protective mechanisms that have kept me shackled and bound to playing small. Her compassion, her ability to see the wounded parts of me with love and acceptance are just what I needed. Her skills and wisdom that she brings to her healing sessions are out of this world powerful. We were able to shift aspects where I give my power away to others. I feel comfortable speaking up and asserting myself when it is necessary. And most of all….to stand in my power and not care about what others think of me. SHE IS MY MIRACLE – if you have an opportunity to work with Dr. Tanya English – don’t hesitate. It will be one of the best decisions you can make. I know it was for me!” Kelli Anne, GA

Courses Available Right Now!

Chakra Problem Solver Class

The Chakra Problem Solver Masterclass

This class uses the energy skeleton, the chakra system, and Emotional Freedom Technique, as a way of clearing up blockages in each chakra. It is excellent for releasing triggers, depression, overwhelm and upset. You can create a new clearing every day!
Toxic People Banner

Masterclass-Toxic People

Dear Precious Being,
Who is or has been the energy vampire in your life?   Everyone has had or will have a toxic person in their life. Being around them brings your energy down. You may feel triggered by them, meaning, you want to lash out, hide or shut down.  I have found that once we address our own inner turmoil we don’t attract that in other people. We aren’t as triggered by toxic people. They can’t get into your energy field.  And they move on to someone else.  We’ll use Emotional Freedom Technique, tapping, to bring calm, peace, and detachment, to leave the past in the past. It’s easy, it’s fun, it’s effective, and it’s easy. Oh yeah, did I say it’s easy? Just follow along and you’ll do great!